School Musical
Creative Generation - State Schools Onstage (CGEN)
CGEN is an annual entertainment and education event that showcases the wealth of student talent in the performing arts of Queensland state schools, staged by the Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE).
Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage provides Queensland state school students with amazing opportunities to work with professional artists and to learn new vocal, music, acting and dance techniques. Gladstone State High School students have been successful in the audition process and have had a solid involvement in this event since 2006 (The event began in 2005). Gladstone High students have contributed as backstage crew members, instrumentalists, featured vocalists, backing vocalists, core choir members, massed choir and dance participants and as musicians in the symphony orchestra.
Dance Group
A student organised group. Performing at school social and formal events.
Arts Immersion Trip
Visual Arts
Weekend Visual Art workshops
Workshops led by local artists
School Art Galleries
- Library installations
- School Murals
- Talent Show walkthrough gallery
- Alfresco Art Gallery for Gladstone State High School events
Cyril Golding Visual Art Showcase
Gladstone State High School partnered this event in 2014. Students from senior Art classes participated in curation and hanging workshops and assisted in the installation, entertainment and food service for the opening.
Local art and photographic competitions
Eg. Year 12 Visual Art student entries in Intercity Saiki Images exchange.
Drama events
- Weekend Drama Performance Workshops
- Touring performances - Brainstorm Productions
- Touring workshops - Shake and Stir
- Combined School Musical (Biannual event)
- Symphonic, Concert, Stage and Big Bands
- Strings Ensemble
- Tutoring at Primary Instrumental Music Workshops
- Queensland Symphony Orchestra workshops
- Eisteddfod entries for School Bands
- GSHS Band and Strings Performances
- Annual Instrumental Music Band Tour